
Over the last decade, HMJ tech has built an innovative product line that has set them apart from the competition.

Here are some of the key ways HJM deliver productivity and profitability to your firm:

  • They manufacture their own proprietary valve for optimum dispensing speed, precision and reliability. HMJ do not outsource valves.
  • Only industrial solid-state controllers are used, instead of the competition’s consumer-grade personal computers.
  • The proprietary software is designed and managed in house for unlimited adaptability, HMJ do not use third-party developers.
  • The real-time control methodology takes priority command of the CPU. This eliminates the common problem of resource sharing associated with Windows driven programs. The approach allows for industry-leading speed in dispensing without sacrificing accuracy.
  • The valves and control algorithm are designed to work together to achieve perfect laminar flow through all ranges, while eliminating common industry problems including splashing, over-dispensing and low-flow timeouts.
  • Patented, dripless valve cleaning system runs automatically after every dispense for optimum hygiene and performance.
  • Unique drum/tote agitators use a dual-flow impeller arrangement for optimum reconstitution of settled components, with much lower energy consumption. Drum change-outs are quick and simple with no mess and no need to remove lids.
  • Finished pail mixers are the first on the market to offer OSHA/CSA compliance. The fully guarded and interlocked design offers ideal ergonomics and operability. The offset impeller arrangement offers improved efficiency and significantly reduced aeration.